Web 3.0: What Is It And Why Does It Matter?
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You may have heard of Web3, but what’s it? Will we want another version of the net? What is wrong with the internet we already have? How will the world be benefited with the introduction of Web 3.0?
By being attentive to the present space because, we feel that Web 3.0 will allow the net to exist within the way that it absolutely was originally intended to exist – a very open avenue that gives virtually endless access to information. It’ll basically be a more advanced version of the web we already use.
In that sense, our Web Design Jacksonville experts believe, we must always all be excited about what it’ll offer since the web has become such a very important aspect of all of our lives.
Hence, in this blog, we are going to discuss everything you need to know about Web3. But first let us understand the evolution of net.
Evolution of the Net

Since the time it was created, the net has evolved in several phases over the years. Allow us to understand each stage in detail:
Web 1.0
Web 1.0 is the first phase of the planet Wide Web with flat data. It consists of static websites that serve content from the classification system of servers.
It is the ‘read-only’ phase where interaction between sites and web users is proscribed. People could read the information displayed on websites.
We can think about it as an information portal, where users receive information passively. Users cannot with the content. they can’t post comments, reviews, or feedback. The setbacks in web 1.0 led to the event of web 2.0.
Web 2.0
Web 2.0, coined per se by O’Reilly et al between 1999 and 2004, moved the globe from static desktop sites designed for information consumption and served from expensive servers to interactive experiences and user-generated content that brought us Uber, Airbnb, Facebook, and Instagram. The increase of Web 2.0 was largely driven by three core layers of innovation: mobile, social, and cloud.
It is the ‘read-write’ phase of the planet Wide Web that permits interaction between sites and web users. People can read and write content on various websites and applications. The foundations of Web 2.0 are interoperability, interactivity, and value.
Web 2.0 enables participation, collaboration, and knowledge sharing among web users. Some samples of Web 2.0 applications are Wiki, Youtube, and Facebook.
With the launch of the iPhone in 2007, mobile internet access drastically broadened both the user base and also the usage of the Web: we moved from dialling up to the net some hours daily reception at our desktops to an “always connected” state — the online browser, mobile apps, and private notifications were now in everyone’s pocket.
Until the introduction of Friendster, MySpace, and so on Facebook in 2004, the web was a largely dark and anonymous place. These social networks coax users into good behavior and content generation including recommendations and referrals: from persuading us to share photos online with specific friend groups; to entrusting unknown travellers with our homes on AirBnB; and even stepping into a stranger’s car with Uber.
Web 3.0
While the net 2.0 wave remains bearing fruit, we also are seeing the primary shoots of growth emerge from the subsequent large paradigm shift in internet applications, logically entitled Web 3.0 states our Website Designers. As hard to believe as it might sound, Web 3.0 (originally coined the Semantic Web by Tim Berners-Lee, the Web’s original inventor), is an excellent more fundamental disruption, one that in time will leave everything hitherto in its shade. it’s a step forward to open, trustless, and permissionless networks.
Web 3.0 is the latest Internet technology that leverages machine learning, AI, and blockchain to realize real-world human communication. The icing on the cake is that web 3.0 not only allows individuals to have their data, but they’re going to be compensated for their time spent on the net.
Sounds too good to be true, right? Welcome to the long run of the net.
Web3 is the ‘read-write-execute’ phase where web users can read, write and interact with content. It consists of dynamic applications and machine-to-machine interaction. This iteration interconnects data in an exceedingly decentralized way. While in Web 2.0 recently commoditized notebook computer hardware was repurposed in data centers, the shift to Web 3.0 is spreading the information center bent the sting, and sometimes right into our hands. Large legacy data centers are being supplemented by a mess of powerful computing resources spread across phones, computers, appliances, sensors, and vehicles which are forecast to supply and consume 160 (!) times more data in 2025 as compared to 2010.¹
In this stage, computer systems can interpret information like humans and smartly provide meaningful content as per the requirements of users.
Web3 could be a decentralized internet to be run on blockchain technology to keep your information safe and secure. It’ll give ownership stakes in platforms and applications to users instead of tech giants controlling the platforms as decentralized data networks are making it possible for these data generators to sell or barter their data without losing ownership control. As such, decentralized data networks can bring the whole long tail of information generators into the emerging ‘data economy’.
Where Web 2.0 was driven by the appearance of mobile, social, and cloud, Web 3.0 is made largely on three new layers of technological innovation: edge computing, decentralized data networks, and AI.
Web3 will use computer science (AI), machine learning(ML), and therefore the semantic web. The semantic web will help computer systems to know and interpret the context and concept of the information. As Artificial intelligence & Machine learning algorithms have become powerful enough to make useful, indeed sometimes life-saving, predictions and actions. When layered on top of the latest decentralized data structures giving access to a wealth of knowledge that might be the envy of today’s tech giants, the potential applications go far beyond targeted advertising into areas like precision materials, drug design, and climate modeling. This leads to providing the foremost accurate and relevant result to the end-user.
Companies could shift from buying and maintaining their own expensive and dedicated infrastructure upfront to renting storage, compute power, and management tools on the go. Countless entrepreneurial experiments may benefit from low-cost resources that scaled as their businesses grew.
Why Does Web 3.0 Matter?
Tech giants, like Google and Facebook, are dominating the web. They create huge profits from user data. These organizations ask users to share their personal data in exchange for access to their platforms and services. They monetize this data and use it for generating profit.
Web 3.0 will facilitate the ownership of the data. It implies that you’ll be able to sell your personal data to advertisers while still retaining ownership and data privacy.
In the next generation of the net, you’d not require different accounts for various social platforms. you’d be able to browse different platforms, information, and even shops with only 1 account.
Furthermore, web 3.0 will enable websites and applications to deliver tailored information to every user. In web3, you’d be ready to enjoy personalized interactions with machines and websites similar to how you communicate with other humans.
Features of Web 3.0

Let’s take a glance at a number of the key features of Web 3.0:
- Semantic Web: The semantic web deals with the meaning of information rather than the structure of information. Semantic web technologies generate, share, and connect content through analysis supporting the flexibility to know the meaning of words. Web 3.0 will transcend keywords and numbers to grasp complex associations between products, locations, and specific behaviors.
- Permissionless: Web 3.0 would allow users to interact with one another without the necessity for centralized authorities and intermediaries.
- 3D Graphics: The third generation of the web will use 3D graphics and VR technologies to deliver results associated with diverse products, real-life places, etc. 3D graphics are also one amongst the top web design trends of 2022.
- Ubiquitous: Web 3.0 will make the web available to everyone, at any time and at any location. Internet-connected devices won’t only be limited to computers and smartphones. Intelligent Gadgets could be developed with the help of IoT (Internet of Things) technology.
- Web 3.0 Crypto: Cryptocurrencies and NFTs will likely become the way for users to come up with value. Tokens of labor or a currency may well be exchanged for service within the system or employment. as an example, content creators could receive a token when someone accesses their material.
A Return to the initial Concept
Web 3.0 will, in some ways, be a return to the first concept of the net, an area where one doesn’t need permission from a central authority to post, there’s no central control and there’s no single point of failure.
Web 2.0 has been marked by centralization, surveillance, and invasive ads, but the employment of decentralized technologies like blockchain will allow a more open environment where data on the web is decentralized. Web 3.0 will allow decentralized apps to displace centralized social networks like Facebook, and individuals will maintain ownership over their personal data.
Web 3.0 is made possible through decentralized protocols, so I predict the long run the net, blockchain technology, and cryptocurrencies are interconnected and automatic through the employment of smart contracts.
Web 3.0 is an updated and enhanced version of the net that we use today but with additional benefits, thanks to decentralization.
How will Web 3.0 add to Real Life?

Web 3.0 will deliver relevant search results that closely resonate with the search terms, thus providing searchers an environment to gain detailed results.
You can organize your celebration, vacation, business trip, everyday jobs, and more with the assistance of ubiquitous IoT devices reception.
Let us take the instance of designing a celebration. Typically, you’d search separately for a cake shop, decorator, restaurant, invitations, etc., which may be exhausting.
However, Web 3.0 will enable you to use a posh search query like ‘I want to throw my birthday celebration on Sunday next week, book a candy cake, and order food from a premium restaurant’.
Or, ‘I am shifting over from Tampa to Jacksonville with my spouse and I am trying to find accommodation. What would be the value of living in Jacksonville?’
Now, the computer program will analyze this question and deliver more detailed results. The concept behind web 3.0 is to create even the foremost complex internet quickly and efficiently.
Web3 applications and services are powered by blockchain, AI, ML, crypto-assets (fungible and non-fungible), and metaverses. With attention to decentralization, it’ll provide more control to users over web pages while keeping your data secure. Furthermore, users will own their data and can be compensated for the time they spend online. Web3 continues to be a brand new space with plenty of speculation surrounding it states the designing experts from Website Design Company. While Web 3.0 might not be fully embedded within the web infrastructure until several years from now, one certain thing is that it’ll change is how we interact online.