6 Effective Ways to Market Your E-commerce Store


Ecommerce marketing has really become tough and with the seemingly endless competition converting customers is more challenging than ever.

That being said, there are still plenty of online stores regardless of their shape and size that are doing well.


This is mainly because they have a solid marketing strategy useful to place them in front of their customers every single day and allow them to be successful in their market.

This is what you need in order to succeed in your online store. If you don’t yet have any marketing plan or might have some informal set of ideas and notes that are taking you nowhere. Don’t worry! We have outlined some creative ideas in this article to help you market your online store with our years of experience in marketing such websites at the Jacksonville advertising agency. These techniques are powerful and actionable that you can start implementing today.

By the time you finish reading this article, you will have everything that you need to pump your e-commerce store online and gain tremendous traffic and conversions. So, if you are ready to dive into those effective marketing techniques, let’s begin.

6 Effective Ways to Market Your E-commerce Store

1. Spread The Word on Social Media


Social media is a great marketing platform, to begin with, internet marketing because maximum of your customers are there today. It found that an average adult spends at least 2 to 3 hours on social media platforms every day during which he or she comes across and interacts with many businesses. So, never miss this opportunity and make the most of it.

As social media marketing is all about consistency, you should make sure that you post regularly and at times that best fit with your customer’s schedules. This allows you to frequently reach and engage with your buyers.

But make sure that you choose the right platform according to the type of your business. Because marketing on the wrong platforms will just waste your time and efforts.

For instance, suppose that you are an online fashion store. So, marketing this store on a platform like LinkedIn, won’t get you any sales or conversion. Instead, you will need to focus on visual platforms like Instagram, and Facebook as your best engagement will likely be on these platforms.

Hence, take some time to figure out the best platforms for your business and once you have done so, it is time to plan your marketing strategy. The facts that you need to plan on are the type of content you will post, how often you should post, and what tactics you should use.

While here are a few online marketing strategies that you should try for social media.

  • Create user-friendly content and share links to your website and products.
  • Don’t overload customers with direct ads as too much self-promotion will make your social media account less valuable to the customers.
  • Take a look at your audience demographics as they will have different needs and interests.
  • Create a social calendar so that you can schedule your posts on the days where you get the most engagement. Suppose if that day is Monday, then you might choose to share a video on that day as they get high levels of engagement. Once you figure out what kind of content your audience responds to, you can optimize your calendar for maximum results schedule posts ahead of time. This strategy will help you maintain consistency and balance in your marketing activities.
  • Track your social media performance regularly and modify your strategies accordingly.

2. Have an SEO Strategy

What is more effective at driving traffic than social media marketing? Well, the answer is SEO. Though it may not bring you results in a single day, it is very effective in gaining long-term success. With SEO you will be planning your future growth and if you really want your cost acquisition low, SEO is your best bet.

Hence, you have to optimize your online store by incorporating SEO keywords in your product listing titles and descriptions. You can also drive more traffic by including frequently searched terms and phrases on your site.

But before that, use tools such as Google keyword planner or Ahrefs to identify relevant keywords and insert them accordingly. Once, you have done so, you can start measuring the success of your SEO strategy with Google analytics. This tool will allow you to view the Channel report of the acquisition section and see which organic keywords are leading to increased traffic and greater sales.

Here are some best SEO strategies:

  • Make sure to always update your old content with the new ones and make it more relevant. Always replace your content with content that is kore up to date with the current trends.
  • Conduct quality checks on your online store’s SEO regularly by adding SEO tools like Plugin SEO or SEO Manager. These tools will notify you about any SEO errors you make.
  • Create more web pages by adding new products to your online store or writing daily blog posts. But make sure that each web page you create should have at least 2000 words on average to appear in the search results. This will help you increase your search engine ranking.
  • Check the top five results to see for which keyword they rank so that you can get some keyword ideas that you can include.

For a detailed guide on how to rank #1 on Google?

3. Form Strategic Collaborations


Collaborations or partnerships are some of the best ways to skyrocket your online store. It allows you to elevate your business by tapping into another brand’s audience and thus reach a bigger audience, making it an even greater success.

So, start networking with major players in your industry and generate buzz around your online store. You can contact bloggers to see whether they would be happy to review your products or

website in their blog. Having your website featured on a popular site will help you drive thousands of visitors to your store.

Another great way to reach out to your targeted customers is by connecting with social media influencers in your industry who can post and share your content. So, identify such social media influencers with a large number of followers in your industry and begin engaging with them on a regular basis.

Following are some ways you can use to engage with influencers:

  • Like their Facebook and Instagram posts and pages.
  • Make sure to retweet to major influencer tweets, especially when they are about your store, and also don’t forget to thank influencers who retweeted your post.
  • Follow all the influencers you find in your industry.

This way you can easily interact and connect with major players in your industry who can spread help you spread the word and build awareness around your brand and products. If you are still wondering where to start, try some marketing software that can connect with bloggers and influencers.

4. Use Email Promotions

Email marketing is an easy way that helps many online retailers drive the fastest immediate results in terms of sales. You can build your email list by adding an opt-in form to your blog, homepage, or other popular pages of your website.

With email marketing, you can easily retarget your buyers with promotions that are catered to their specific needs. Because customers are more likely to engage with discounts and offers that serve their wants.

For example, you can offer a discount to your first-time buyers who have viewed your product but never made a purchase from an email account, while you can announce a semi-annual sale for your loyal, returning customers.

Take a look at some email marketing strategies to get more ideas for marketing your store through email marketing.

  • Building a bigger email list is the easiest way to increase your email marketing impact. You can always collect emails through pop-up promotion windows or ask buyers whether they would like to have email promotions at checkout.
  • Segment your emails by purchasing activity, location, and any other relevant messaging that informs email promotion content. This step is essential in order to personalize your emails and showing products your customers may be interested in based on their previous browsing history. This will help you make your customers more likely to buy products as it is catered to that individual customer.
  • Send emails showing your best-selling products of the week to drive sales. But before that make sure to send a non-sales email by featuring a couple of blog posts to help customers increase brand familiarity.

5. Utilize PPC advertising


Advertising your business is one of the most effective methods for growing a business financially. Utilizing PPC advertising (pay-per-click) enables you to measure the cost-effectiveness of your campaigns by comparing the ad costs to the amount of traffic and sales generated by the ad.

Google AdWords is the most popular PPC software that enables you to create ads that appear on Google’s search engine and place them through an auction process.

Here, you bid on a keyword, and ads are chosen based on the bid amounts and the ad’s quality score.

The following strategies will work the best:

  • Run retargeting ads to generate more sales because most customers don’t buy on their first visit. These ads will give a second chance at winning back the customers. All you need to do is add a piece of code (pixel) to your website and track who visited it, what they viewed, and even what they purchased. Once, you have this information, you can then run retargeting ads on Facebook or Google.
  • Experiment with Google Shopping as it allows you to find what exactly you are looking for in their ad-based shopping platform as a shopper.
  • Focus on Facebook ad. Though you may Facebook master, there have been many changes now in the Facebook ad that you need to rediscover. Be more creative while running your online store ads. You can continue to create winning ads on the platform with a little bit more experimental.

6. Create a Blog

Content marketing is one of the most popular strategies now, for which you don’t have to be a crafter. You can just launch your blogs and provide your buyers with valuable content to build trust in your brand. Promotion via blogging is effective as the content can be posted and shared on social media to drive more traffic.

You can gather questions from buyers and generate posts that provide answers to these issues. This will make the buyers return to you when they face future problems.

Here are some strategies that can help you create effective content:

  • Consider the lifestyle of your typical buyer when brainstorming article ideas. Find out how do they engage with your product on a daily basis. You can write an article that offers tips or create a tutorial on how can users integrate your items into their life in useful ways.
  • Add visuals such as charts and videos to your blog in an easy way to make your content more exciting and clearer for your audiences.
  • Create and post blog articles regularly and promote the content on social media to drive more traffic to your online store by generating buzz around your product and thus driving more traffic to your store and boost sales.

Today, putting efforts into your online store marketing is more important than ever due to the continuously growing competition. So, if you were stuck and did not know what to do for your e-commerce marketing, now, you have good strategies, to begin with. Implementing these strategies may take time and you may not get the results instantly. But spreading your efforts over these strategies is essential to long-term marketing. It will help you increase your chances of marketing success.

Even if one strategy fails, you have other ones to rely on and improve your efforts. Ultimately, improving your methods as needed and being willing to use multiple techniques will enable you as a seller to reach more customers and thus drive more sales through your campaigns.